TASW Insight #1 | The launch

Hi from Hamburg!

We’re excited to announce the launch of the TASW project! We’re Lukas and Frank, and together we bring a wealth of experience in the IT field. One builds perfect software, the other fills it with creative ideas.

We believe that in the future, autonomous systems will become more and more common in many areas and will be accepted as helpful partners and assistants to humans.

In particular, swarms of autonomous systems can perform tasks that previously could only be done with a lot of effort and under difficult conditions.

Our aim is to teach different systems how to communicate with each other and work together. This is done naturally in the cloud, the ‚autonomous system world‘ cloud, in short


It is an ecosystem, that lets any number of individuals or swarms work together as a team to complete a task autonomously. It doesn’t matter if the systems are autonomous on land, water, underwater or in the air – a swarm can contain anything.

The key thing is the task to be performed and the role that an individual swarm member takes on based on their abilities.

Stay tuned …

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